This is part two of a two part series on Spiritually Transmitted Diseases.
If you have not read part one of this series on Spiritually Transmitted Diseases, please do so before continuing!
Last time we got together to discuss Spiritually Transmitted Diseases, I spoke about what they are and how they are contracted. Here, I will be going into more depth about how these negative energetic deposits can affect those who contract them, by touching on some indicators that perhaps you could have contracted one.
You can contract a spiritually transmitted disease from any unhealthy relationship, whether it be a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a familial relationship etc.; however, few relationships are as physically and emotionally intimate as the one a person shares with their partner, where sex is also usually involved for most couples. That said, Spiritually Transmitted Diseases are in some ways easier to contract from sexual relationships than from the other types of relationships listed above, because the two people unite intimately in a way which allows for the maximum amount of energy to travel from one body to the other. This energy also travels through a sacred and vulnerable area nonetheless. It is for this reason that the focal point of this post has been on Spiritually Transmitted Diseases that are contracted from sex, specifically.
When we humans decide to engage with someone in a sexual, intimate way, we are letting down all of our guards and our defenses; in other words, we are allowing ourselves to become physically, emotionally, and spiritually open and vulnerable whether we even realize it or not. As a result of the energetic vulnerability which happens on both sides during sexual intercourse, we leave ourselves open to the possibility of contracting a Spiritually Transmitted Disease (sSTD), usually without an awareness that this is even possible. Oh, and most people who have sSTD as a result of their own negative energetic frequencies are not even aware that they are a carrier or could pass it on. On the other hand, it is more likely for a person who contracts a spiritually transmitted disease to become aware that something has shifted within them—that something feels off.
The following is a very general list of some of the possible signs/symptoms, or side effects, one may experience as a result of having contracted a Spiritually Transmitted Disease. An individual may experience some or all of the following:
Feeling a sudden and lasting, unexplained depressive episode that cannot be linked to an underlying mental or physical illness or life-circumstance
Struggling with a lot of anxiety, seemingly out of nowhere, over things that did not previously trigger anxiety
Previous fears and/or phobias becoming magnified to a much more extreme degree, causing debilitation or destabilization
Sudden disinterest in doing things one previously loved or enjoyed doing
Sudden onset of either unmanageable and uncontrollable emotions such as sadness, anger, etc, OR extreme numbness that arises with no specific cause
Random impulsive behavior, arising out of nowhere and with no explanation—and which cannot be linked to substances like drugs or alcohol
It is important to understand that many of the potential signs or symptoms of a spiritually transmitted disease are also signs and symptoms of many other underlying conditions and causes, such as mental illness, hormonal changes, life-circumstances and/or shifts, etc, just to name a few. Therefore, it is important to understand that a presentation of any of the aforementioned symptoms does NOT guarantee that one has a Spiritually Transmitted Disease. So please take this list of symptoms with a grain of salt, as they are meant to inform NOT diagnose. This list is a work in progress. Negative energetic deposits can manifest in many different ways for many different people; there is no “one size fits all” list of symptoms that will work for everybody suffering from an sSTD.
It is important to point out that while one can contract a Spiritually Transmitted Disease from a hookup scenario or a one-night stand, sSTD can also be contracted from someone whom you are in a relationship with (aka your partner).
Negative Energetic Deposits contracted from casual hookups or one-night stands can often be easier to “rid” yourself of because the encounter was only one time, and sometimes even with a stranger. These factors quickly put distance between yourself and the person from whom the sSTD was contracted, thus allowing you to more easily separate yourself from the person’s energy because they are no longer physically around. Of course, their energy does not become immediately erased just because they are no longer physically present—however, the negative energetic deposits are able to weaken at a quicker rate as a result of having had their original source (the other person) removed from the situation.
In a lot of ways, the Spiritually Transmitted Diseases contracted within a relationship are the hardest to get “rid” of, because the source of the negative energy (either your partner, the relationship itself—or sometimes even YOU) are/is always around. When sSTD’s happen in a relationship, they are typically the result of either, a.) one partner’s negative energy being passed to the other, or b.) a toxic and unhealthy relationship dynamic between partners. In the event that sSTD results from a toxic or unhealthy relationship, it is both partners who pass these negative energetic deposits back and forth endlessly between each other until either they break up, or decide to actively work on themselves while also working to make the relationship healthier for the both of them as well.
If you believe that you have contracted a spiritually transmitted disease, or even if you suspect that you could be the source of one, there are certain measures and precautions you can take in order to help yourself heal—because that’s the good news, you CAN heal! Consider spending time doing any or all of the following to help yourself heal:
1. Have a self-care day— or, ideally, put aside daily time for self-care practices. Self-care looks different for different people, but some forms of self-care include:
having alone time
doing things you enjoy or which relax you
spending time with loved ones
engaging in pampering activities (taking a bath, getting nails, hair, or makeup done, light some candles, treat yourself to a coffee or a nice meal)
exercising, working out, playing sports
shopping or treating yourself to something nice
2. Take a cleansing bath with Epsom salt OR take a dip in the ocean.
Salt is great for cleansing negative energy, so a salt soak is an optimal way to relax your body and rid yourself of those unwanted energy deposits. Feel free to meditate, listen to some calm music, light candles or incense, and unwind.
3. Create a vision board to aid with positive visualization and draw positive energy towards
you. There are different ways to create vision boards; you may want your vision board to be focused on something specific or have a specific objective, or it could be more general. Here are some themes you could focus your vision board on, if you so choose:
You may choose to make a vision board of how you see your ideal life (career, relationships, home, children, travel, etc). You can lay this foundation by adding photos, written affirmations, words, etc. to project these desires out into the universe. You may even consider meditating on your vision board daily, or from time to time.
Perhaps a vision board that has a more specific focus is more your style. You may want this board to concentrate on and portray those images and affirmations of self-love, body-positivity, spiritual transformation or self-actualization—the possibilities are endless!
4. Fix your diet. Incorporate more healthy foods like fruit and veggies into your diet, and eliminate processed foods as much as possible. This will help your body to feel better—and when your physical health improves, so does your emotional health.
5. Wash your bedding to rid it of any lingering energy. You sleep in your bed every night, and while your sheets soak up your sweat and all of your physical body fluids, they’re also a magnet for soaking the energy that your body is putting off. The best thing you can do to rid your sheets of any negative energetic deposits attached to you, is to give them a good-old-fashioned deep clean in the wash.
6. Cleanse your home with sage and light some candles to rid it of negative energy or any energy that is not your own. You may choose to meditate, pray, say affirmations, etc. to banish any negative energy verbally.
If you believe you may have contracted a Spiritually Transmitted Disease, the following is a list of things you may want to avoid for the time being, in order to help with your healing process:
Don’t drink or use drugs. Substances such as alcohol and drugs attract negative energy towards you and can feed the negative energetic deposits, making them stronger—there is a reason alcohol is called “spirits”.
Don’t use sex as a way to cope. Whether it be sex with your partner, or sex with a stranger, using sex while being afflicted by a spiritually transmitted disease won’t help ease it, and can actually make it stronger. You also risk passing along the sSTD to another person as well.
Try to limit your contact with darker imagery. For example, keep your horror movie watching and true crime podcast binging to a minimum, as “dark” subject matter can draw more negative energy towards you. As someone who is interested in these sorts of “darker” entertainment and knowledge sources, this step can be tough, but just remember it's not forever! However, temporarily removing some of the darker imagery and subject matter can help cleanse the energy around you, to ensure that you do not add fuel to the fire of any already present negative energetic deposits.
Don’t visit any “haunted” sites, or highly spiritual places such as graveyards. When you’re afflicted with negative energetic deposits, you become more susceptible to spiritual attack from outside sources; this happens because you’re in a more vulnerable energetic place. Therefore, during this period of time, it's best to avoid places with a known sordid past, or places where you know many spirits may reside at one time.
All of us will likely pick up some negative energetic deposits in our lifetime; a certain degree of it is unavoidable and is simply just a normal part of being a human being interacting on an energetic plane with other human beings of varying energies. However, with that being said, there are still precautions you can take to keep yourself doing your best. Being mindful about who you choose to engage with intimately and sexually is a great first step in the direction of prevention. Getting to know someone before sleeping with them can be an effective way to gauge if a person (and their energy) are going to be a positive or negative influence on you— leaving you to be able to make a more informed decision about them. Another way to protect yourself is through ensuring that those close relationships in your life (those with family, friends, and partners), are positive ones that breathe life and light into you. Surrounding yourself with negativity in the form of other people will not be beneficial to your spiritual well-being; the best thing you can do is try to ensure that those close relationships in your life are as healthy and non-toxic as possible. Remember, this is a process that starts with you—but it doesn’t happen overnight, and it does take effort and willingness. So please be gentle and patient with yourself!
SO, we’ve certainly come a long way in just two posts! In post one: “It’s Not Just Sex: What’s a Spiritually Transmitted Disease, Anyway?”, I covered what these negative energetic deposits are and touched on how they are contracted. Here, I went into more depth, spoke about the signs and symptoms of Spiritually Transmitted Diseases, and addressed some helpful “do’s” and “don’ts” to keep in mind for those who have contracted or could contract an sSTD.
I understand that the topic of Spiritually Transmitted Diseases is one that many people are likely unfamiliar with because it is not a mainstream or culturally explicit ideology which has been disseminated to the masses. However, the topic of sSTDs is one of a critical importance for many individuals in various spiritual communities and of varying spiritualities. For many of you, these posts may have been your first introduction to Spiritually Transmitted Diseases; however, I am hoping that with this new information, you are able to spark a dialogue with yourself about how energy flows both around and within you—and that you are able to take away something positive from these posts!
Tune in next Tuesday (March 3rd) for a brand new article!