Have you ever walked into a room and immediately you could tell that the vibes were just off? As quirky as it might sound, this is not some mystical mumbo-jumbo nonsense that i’m just tossing out; we are energetic beings operating on an energetic plane, so it’s not strange to consider the fact that sometimes things, places, and even people may seem to feel, well, off. For those of you who don’t exactly know what I mean by “vibes” or the idea that they can be “off”, that’s okay, it just means that you might need to tune in a little bit more to your intuition in order to start feeling the energy that is intrinsically associated with the world around you.
I've written before on how energy exists all around us and within us at all times. If you haven't done so already, I would suggest going and giving, “It's Not Just Sex: What's a Spiritually Transmitted Disease, Anyway?” a read. This article does a great job explaining the existence of energy from both a scientific and spiritual perspective, and is likely to enhance your understanding of a lot of what is being spoken about here, in this article!
With so many of us working from home these days, and just spending more time at home in general, it’s a great time to re-evaluate our surroundings and the energy that our spaces might be holding onto. Spaces, like homes for example, can harbor both good and bad vibrational energy, and this largely depends on what has taken place there. For example, if you and your spouse argue in your living room a lot, that living room could be holding onto some of that negative, argumentative energy—whether or not you even realize it. Likewise, if someone living in your house has bad depression or is sad a lot of the time, their room specifically could be holding onto a significant amount of that same sad energy, and could even act as a magnifier for future depressive episodes. In other words, the energy of our space can be directly affected by ourselves or by anyone, or even anything (think objects), that enters into that space.
With that being said, I've decided to dedicate this week’s piece to energetic cleansing—more specifically, I’m going to be providing some simple and effective ways to re-balance the energy in your home using items that you may already have lying around. If not, all of the items I’ll be discussing are readily available to order online at a reasonable price from many retailers as well.
It might help to think of energetic cleansing as similar to physically cleansing, like a spring cleaning for example. Much in the same way you clean your home to get rid of excess items and things you no longer need, an energetic cleansing can get rid of any stagnant or negative energy that might be lingering in your space; the goal is to help your space to feel lighter and more positively energized afterwards. This is something that each and everyone of us can benefit from, so let’s get started!
Cleansing with Sage and Palo Santo
Before cleansing a room with sage, you’ll want to open any windows and doors—this will help facilitate air flow through the space to ensure that the sage does not become too strong while also providing a path for any unwanted energy to find its way out. First, you’ll want to light your sage bundle or smudging stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame. The Sage should continue to burn for a while after. Then, slowly move it around the room—don’t forget to sage the corners, doorways, windows, and any small dark or cluttered areas. It’s also important to spend a little extra time saging any of the more “troubled areas” of a space where arguments may have frequently taken place, as these areas are likely to be more negatively charged (1). The goal is to thoroughly cleanse the space, so spend some time doing it right. While cleansing, it may be helpful to say a mantra or set a personal intention aloud, such as “I cleanse this space of unwanted energy” or “This is my sanctuary, and I do not invite negativity here”. Of course, these are only illustrative examples—it's best to come up with a mantra or an intention that specifically resonates with you. While you’re at it, you might even decide to sage yourself! To do this, start at your feet and slowly swirl the sage smoke around your body until you reach your head (2). But those with asthma beware, the smoke from the sage might irritate your lungs!
If you don’t have any sage on hand, or you simply don’t care for the smell—don't fret, Palo Santo sticks are a wonderful alternative! Palo Santo is a type of wood from the native South American Bursera graveolens wild tree; it has been hailed by natives for centuries due to its cleansing and healing benefits, which have made it popular in many indigenous ceremonies (3). Palo Santo is great for keeping energy grounded and cleansed (3), which is why it can be of great use to those of us looking to revitalize the energy within our homes and spaces. To use Palo Santo, simply light the end of the stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame—the stick, however, should stay lit and continue to produce smoke for a while. Then, proceed in the same way as described above with the Sage. Oh, and did I mention that mosquitoes are not a fan of the Palo Santo smoke? (3). Yet another great reason to use it!
Salt, Anyone?
Another ancient protective cleansing tool is salt—popularized for its wonderful ability to remove negative energy by helping to absorb it (4). First, you’ll want to get your hands on some salt (preferably sea salt because it is more natural and less processed); however, any salt will do. Next, sprinkle the salt into each of the four corners of the room you are cleansing (1). You may opt to sprinkle the salt right onto the floor or carpet, or choose to put the salt into four bowls and place one bowl in each corner of the room. Also, if you have pets, you'll want to make sure they don't come into contact with the salt as it could make them ill if consumed. Leave the salt for 48 hours then vacuum it up or discard it (1). Discarding the salt is important, because remember, it absorbs negative energy!
Make Some Noise
Sound is a powerful way to move and break up the energy within a space. There are many ways you can go about using sound, one such way is through ringing a bell three times in each corner of the room (1). Many cultures around the world have positively associated beliefs surrounding bells, and they are used often by churches and in ceremonies for this very reason. Bells are especially effective because their vibrations jolt the negative or stagnant energy by means of sound waves, allowing the space to become energetically renewed (5). If you don’t have a bell on hand, try clapping loudly to break up the energy—banging pots and pans works well too, even if it initially feels a little silly. Remember, it's the loudness and the change in vibration that takes place because of it, that helps to break up the energy in a room.
Oil it up!
Essential oils are plant-based extracts commonly used in aromatherapy; however, many of these little oils have some wonderful cleansing properties as well. Specifically, Lemon, Frankincense, and Lavender oils each have unique energetic abilities that are perfect for dispelling negative energy and cleansing a space. Lemon is sometimes described as a “psychic cleanser” and can be used to cleanse objects (and spaces) that could be holding onto negative energy (6). Frankincense is another common favorite for cleansing due to its purifying nature and its ability to remove negativity from people, places, and things—this is also why Frankincense is commonly used within certain churches (6). Lavender is good for clearing out stagnant or negative energies from a space and is therefore a longstanding favorite in energetic cleansings as well (7). Also, it's worth noting that both Sage and Palo Santo come in essential oil form and work as an alternative to smudging.
A great way to put these essential oils to use within your home is to create a little essential oil mist spray. To create this spray all you will need is an essential oil of your choice, a small glass misting bottle, and some purified or distilled water (8). Assuming the spray bottle you have picked out is on the smaller side, ‘Well and Good’ recommends mixing 4 oz of water with around 20 drops of your chosen oil—at this ratio, the scent should be nice and light (8). If the scent is too light, feel free to add a few more drops; if it's still too strong, just add a little more water! Water and oil don’t mix, so remember to shake your mixture up each time before using it (8). Think of this as a simple DIY project that is not only fun, but will also serve the purpose of helping you to rid your space of those unwanted vibes! Essential oils aren't always pet-safe, so do your research before using essential oils around your furry friends.
Decorate with Healing Crystals
Sure they’re nice to look at, but crystals are also super functional! Like essential oils, crystals each have their own properties and energetic frequencies which make them unique and able to perform in a variety of different ways. In short, different crystals are good for different things! For the purpose of performing an energetic cleansing of your space, you definitely want to get your hands on some Black Tourmaline and Rose Quartz. Black Tourmaline is wonderfully powerful in its ability to repel and remove negative energy and can truly help to transform your space vibrationally (9). Rose Quartz functions in a similar way to Black Tourmaline, however, because it is the stone of universal love, this powerful little crystal helps to alter the frequency of existing energies by replacing negative vibes with positive ones (10). Additionally, Selenite and Amethyst are also great choices for helping to cleanse your space. The more crystals, the better! Just remember to cleanse your crystals regularly to ensure that they are able to function optimally—you can find some helpful tips for crystal cleansing HERE.
Do Your Spring Cleaning
While it is important to cleanse your space energetically, it is also important to clean your space physically—actually, they go hand in hand! Clutter can hold onto negative and stagnant energy by giving it a place to collect, so get rid of those items and things which no longer serve you in whatever capacity they once did. You may want to start by clearing out your closet and getting rid of clothes you haven't worn in the last year, or which no longer fit you—put them in a box and donate them. Also, consider taking up the KonMari method, an organizational-living philosophy coined by bestseller and organizing consultant, Marie Kondo. Apart from functional items, the KonMari method suggests only holding onto belongings that “spark joy” or are otherwise associated positively—belongings for which this is not the case should be consciously let go of (11). In other words, it's time to get rid of your toxic ex’s t-shirt. Moreover, if you come across anything that is broken, either fix it or get rid of it; according to Feng Shui, broken things actually retain negative energy, so keeping them around will hinder the progress of the energetic cleansing that you’re trying to achieve within your home (4). By getting rid of clutter, broken things, and those items which conjure up less than positive emotions and associations, you are effectively cleansing your space of some of the negative or stagnant energy that could have been taking up residence there.
Remember, you do not need to employ each and every one of the aforementioned cleansing techniques in order to be effective—but, the more, the better! It’s also a great idea to keep these techniques in your back pocket to pull out for regular energetic cleansing sessions—because, remember, energy is always around, so your space is something you should be cleansing regularly. I mean, you wouldn’t clean your house one time and then let it get absolutely filthy and never clean it again, right? Well, the same ideology should be applied to energetic cleansings, one and done is simply not enough to make a long term difference. So make it a routine and have fun with it—and while you’re at it, don’t forget to open all the windows and let the air push out that negative energy!
Askinosie, Heather. “How to Remove Negative Energy from Your Home and Body.” Energy Muse, Energy Muse, 6 Mar. 2018, www.energymuse.com/blog/how-to-remove-negative-energy-from-your-home.
Scher, Amy. “Articles.” Amy B. Scher, Amy B. Scher, amybscher.com/how-to-clear-house-self-negative-energy/.
“Palo Santo Benefits.” Sacred Wood Essence, Ah Scent Shun, sacredwoodessence.com/benefits/.
Diaz, Cheyenne. “10 Ways To Remove Negative Energy From Your Home.” Mindvalley, Mindvalley, 18 Jan. 2019, blog.mindvalley.com/remove-negative-energy/.
Miro, Shaheen. “Using a Bell to Clear Bad Vibes .” Shaheen Miro, Shaheen Miro, 28 Feb. 2013, shaheenmiroinsights.com/the-gypsys-tricks-for-spiritual-cleansing-and-protection-the-power-of-bells/.
Booth, Jessica. “8 Essential Oils That Will Help You Get Rid Of Negative Energy.” Bustle, Bustle, 16 Sept. 2019, www.bustle.com/p/8-essential-oils-for-clearing-negative-energy-that-actually-work-9071131.
“Essential Oils For Clearing Negative Energy Around You!” Ascension Guide and Fun with Essential Oils, Shanti's Blog, 27 June 2013, essentialaromatherapy.me/2013/06/27/essential-oils-for-clearing-negative-energy-around-you/.
Morton, Katie. “How to Make Essential Oil Spray in 5 Steps.” Well+Good, Well+Good, 8 Aug. 2018, www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/how-to-make-essential-oil-spray/.
“HealingCrystals.Com.” Healing Crystals, Healing Crystals Inc., www.healingcrystals.com/Black_Tourmaline__Schorl__Articles_27.html.
“Rose Quartz Healing Properties.” Charms Of Light, Charms Of Light, www.charmsoflight.com/rose-quartz-healing-properties.
“About KonMari: The Official Website of Marie Kondo.” KonMari, KonMari Media Inc., shop.konmari.com/pages/about.